Cause & Origin / Mystery Leak

Pressurized water leak? Drain system leak? Plumbing fixture leak? Appliance leak? Water intrusion?

What is it? What’s the cause of your leak? Where is this leak coming from?

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Water Instrusion cause origin device orlando
Sleuth Waves


Water damage to interior wall

• Multiple types of testing – Our leak technicians review symptoms & damages and then perform various testing for cause & origin.

• Pipe camera inspection – Not all of us can see through walls & pipes like Clark Kent! Observing inside the pipe walls and tracing lines can track down difficult to find drain issues!

• Water intrusion testing – whether compromised flashing/sealant, water vapor transmission or other compromised area(s), we can locate the source(s) and recommend necessary repairs.

Leaking dishwasher

Why choose Sleuth Inc. to find the cause & origin of your mystery leak?

Sleuth Inc. has technicians equipped with the right tools & skills across multiple divisions including the Leak, Drain, and Pool Divisions. We specialize in plumbing leaks and water intrusion!

Water Instrusion FLIR

What to expect of cause & origin testing?

Ruling out various leakage sources is a part of identifying the cause of loss/a mystery leak. For some occasions, you may need multiple services to identify the cause of loss/track down the mystery leak as various tools & skills are necessary to rule out and find the source(s) of leakage.

Based on information provided to us, we will do our best to provide you with the service that makes the most sense for your situation.

Sleuth Waves

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